Agneepath scheme a conspiracy to weaken defence

  • | Monday | 13th May, 2024

The Modi governments planned efforts to weaken the countrys defence would not be tolerated. The Armys and youths future is being pushed into the dark through the Agneepath scheme, said National Congress E-Servicemen Cell president Colonel Rohit Chaudhury here on Sunday. In the tenure of 10 years of the Modi government, the terror attacks have increased in the country and 2,000 soldiers have been martyred. The Agneepath scheme is a fraud and betrayal with the future of youths. Due to the Modi government, more than 1 crore youths who are waiting for jobs in the Army have been betrayed. For the benefit the youths, the scheme should be withdrawn. Earlier there were 80,000 recruitments in the Army every year, but now during Modis tenure it has come down to 40, 000, said Chaudhury. In the Army there are more than 3 lakh vacancies. Under the Agneepath scheme, a youth is taking retirement after four years under contractual retirement. Modi is dreaming of becoming Prime Minister again. All the vacancies in the government departments and 3 lakh in the Army should be filled soon, demanded Chaudhury. 

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